Text Messages 516-520
Inspirational Messages and Quotes are todays text messages theme. Hope this inspiring quotes and messages will tend your needs. Feel free to Forward this inspiring messages to your friends and love ones.
Text Message 516. Being alone sometimes gives you space to grow, sometimes it's hard to grow when you are too close to someone. Remember that tress are planted far from each other so they can spread their branches and roots and mature... GOD bless.
Text Message 517. Grass is shining with morning dew making day so fresh and new. Hope the joy comes your way and protection be with you the rest of the day. God bless you!
Text Message 518. Sometimes fate has cruel way of putting things together, maybe it is better if people just give up when there is no point in fighting something anymore. When the ship has finally sailed, only a fool would go after it when it is already a miles away. But Sometimes it is a lot better to be fool to go after what we want and need rather than to regret everything because we never even tried.
Text Message 519. Never change your personality for the sake of others, because in this world no one can play your role better than you. So be yourself and win the world. Good AM.
Text Message 520. Before you say i can't make sure you've tried. Before you let doubts stop you confront them with facts. Before fear holds you back go forward with faith. Before you believe others are better show them what you've got. Before you dismiss your dreams wait until they would come true. Before looking for happiness make your own on where you are.
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