
Text Paradise 11-20  

Text Message 11. What is life without someone to love? What is love without someone to love? What is sharing without someone to care? What is caring without a friend? What is a friend without out you?

Text Message 12. When I open my eyes to see the sunrise, i think of you. When I look to the night sky & see the sparkle like in your eyes, I think of you. When I'm old and near death, I draw my last breath and I will think of you.

Text Message 13. If one day you turn to ask me if I'll love you till the end, then I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say no because i know in my heart that I'll be loving you forever.

Text Message 14. I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance, a church filled with flowers and friends. I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for, he said, "one that will make you my wife."

Text Message 15. Love isn't a reservoir. You'll never drain it dry. It's much more like a natural spring. The longer and farther it flows, the stronger, deeper and clearer it becomes. - Eddi Cantor

Text Message 16. There are only five things a person needs to be happy. Some work, some fun, some food, some sun and someone. Someone like you for a friend.

Text Message 17. There will be no good byes for us. Just a promise that... no matter what happens, we will always be together, the best of friends, you and me.

Text Message 18. I kept thinking of what sweet messages I could give you but I couldn't think of any. Hope this simple hi would let you smile and let you know that I love you.

Text Message 19. If Love can be avoided simply by closing our eyes, I wouldn't blink at all for I don't want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.

Text Message 20. If i wasn't able to text you right away, just think the message was delayed. If I wasn't able to text you always, just think I'm busy but don't think I had forgotten you because it would never happen.

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